Let's see... how can I turn this into something you're going to read? It was a stormy July morning, back in 1984. The hospital had just lost main power, and was working off generators... (This is all true, but let's jump ahead a bit.)
When I was 12, I wanted to either be on Saturday Night Live or be somebody who made signs and logos for businesses. While I never made it to 30 Rockefeller Center, I have done stand up a few times and met Tracy Morgan once, so I guess that's one check off the ol' bucket list. As for design? I've always loved the visual arts, and when I was a teen I started working with photoshop and illustrator, and never turned back! (Diving into the entire Creative Suite, and related software and tools.) I got a couple degrees and decided to never stop learning and improving.
I enjoy learning brand stories inside and out, and using this new language in my design. I have focused on using my background in anthropology, demographics, and marketing to create user experiences tailor-made for each unique audience.
While I could say I'm a "designer and illustrator," I believe these are just outlets for my curiosity and passion for solving problems through visual and interactive design.